

2020 (updated 2024)

The purpose of this project was to understand people’s difficulties in relation to the carrying of personal documents and to conceptualize a digital wallet to facilitate and increase the security of using documents.

Subscription dashboard


Dashboard designed to facilitate the visualization of data on the current status of the store balance, last recharge and statement. It aims to simplify the financial control (made by the store manager/owner) in relation to the Meu Crediário subscription.


2023 – in progress

How to facilitate the market shopping process by allowing people to know the prices of products before leaving home? My goal in this project is to create an application that helps people save money and have more convenience when shopping.



How to improve the movie ticket purchase process? The purpose of this UX Design Google Certificate training case is to design a cinema’s box office app.



The objective of this project was to create an app that facilitates the connection between volunteers and institutions that need help.



How should a social network be, these days? In this side project, I am using Orkut as an inspiration to escape from the pattern of current social networks. My purpose in this project is to design a social network that is healthy and positive for its users.

Coisa Fina Brechó


The objective of this project was to create the logo for Coisa Fina Brechó (a thrift store) that communicates elegance and shows, at the same time, that the brand is accessible and open to all.



The objective of this project was to create the logo for Saiti, a side project I have with Juliete Dias (a developer). We create websites for companies and brands. For this logo, I wanted to express that Saiti is an accessible, friendly brand.